I'm a co-founder, editor and writer at The Ferret, Scotland's first media platform dedicated to public interest journalism.
Launched in 2015, The Ferret is a not-for-profit project. Accolades include a Scottish Press Award and we've twice been shortlisted for a British Journalism Award.
Multi-media journalism is our focus. Major stories include an undercover investigation into a neo-Nazi group called Scottish Dawn in 2017. This small but dangerous organisation was subsequently proscribed as a terrorist organisation by the UK Government. We've also conducted investigations into fracking, 'dark money' political donations and the arms trade, among other issues.
The Ferret is politically neutral and does not publish commentary or opinion pieces. There are no advertisements on our website and editorial independence was a founding principle of the project. We are beholden to no-one and will investigate any organisation or individual, if the issue is of public interest.
The Ferret is a registered co-operative with places on the board reserved for both journalists and subscribers, which makes us unique in Scotland. It only costs £3 a month to subscribe and supporters can become directly involved with the project, as we're trying to build a network of citizen journalists across Scotland to conduct investigations.
Please sign up and support public interest journalism in Scotland.
This is our website - https://theferret.scot/
Click below to see examples of Ferret multimedia reports -
Don’t do it, Scotland: fracking warnings from Pennsylvania
Resistance: The people fighting fracking in Scotland
Podcast: Genocide, the Yazidis and Scotland’s call for justice
No rest for Manila’s dead: the front line of the Philippines drug war